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Automatic Order Entry.

For PDF, Word & Excel files
  • Create more efficiency
  • Process more orders with the current team
  • Minimize order lead time

Say goodbye
to manually entering data.

With the Automatic Order Entry module, you no longer have to worry about the consequences of typing errors.

Multifunctional solution

With the Automatic Order Entry solution it does not matter how your client sends orders. PDF, Word and Excel files are converted correctly and swiftly.

Standard integrations

We have extensive experience in creating connections with well-known TMS/WMS systems. These standard integrations bring a fast implementation with them.

Increase productivity

No more time is lost on manually typing order information. You can process more orders with the existing employees. The planners have more time to create the optimal planning.

No more backlog

Backlogs in order processing are a thing of the past. During peak moments, everything runs automatically. You have instant insight into the expected turnover on a customer level.

How does it work?

Upload transport order.

Simply drag your PDF, Excel and Word document into the Automatic Order Entry portal.

Automatic Order Entry

Upload transport order.

Simply drag your PDF, Excel and Word document into the Automatic Order Entry portal.

Automatic Order Entry
Automatic Order Entry

Convert information automatically.

Our solution will then recognize & process all transport order data. All information will be validated and enriched based upon your wishes.

Convert information automatically.

Our solution will then recognize & process all transport order data. All information will be validated and enriched based upon your wishes.

Automatic Order Entry

Ready to be send.

Your order data has been transferred automatically and ready to be send to your back office system.

Automatic Order Entry

Ready to be send.

Your order data has been transferred automatically and ready to be send to your back office system.

Automatic Order Entry

What do our clients say?


Need help?

Contact our expert

Michael Bott
+49 69 96759768

  • Reduce your costs today. 
  • Increase customer satisfaction.
  • Upgrade your employees to process guardians.
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